Como bien dice Arlito, lo prometido es deuda, así que aqui os pongo el tercer y ultimo (para aquellos que no tengan que hacer el de Gallego) examen de la Oposición para Operador de Ordenador del Cixtec.
El texto me ha parecido SUPER FACIL, ya podia haber sido este el segudo examen!!! jas jas jas... casi seguro que al menos habria aprobado dos exámenes.
Que por cierto, volviendo a releer las bases del temario de la convocatoria, a ver quién me puede explicar dónde se encuentra lo de Word, Excel y PowerPoint, porque yo no lo veo por ningun lado.... Bueno al grano, el texto es este:
Traducir ao galego ou ao catelán o seguinte texto.
Traducir al gallego o al castellano el siguiente texto.
How the Tutorial is Organizated.
The PowerPoint Tutorial is designed to help you learn PowerPoint effortlessly in a brief time. You follow straightforward, step-by-step instructions to create new slides, dras, make a graph, use clip art, apply a template, and more. You can start and stop whenever you wish.
When you're creating a slide or modifying one, we show you what the slide looks like when you start and what it looks like when you finish. We include lots of screens shots showing you what the screen looks like at a particular moment.
The Tutorial is organizated in mini lesson. They're designed to be completed in sequence - but not necessarily all at one time! Generally, each mini lesson introduces you to a task and summarizes the procedures you follow to do the task. Then you complete each step.
Each mini lesson introduces you to one of PowerPoint's tools or techniques, which you start using right away. As you work, you'll create a presentation which you'll then print and show on-screen as a slide show.
How long to plan to spend on the Tutorial
We know the Tutorial contains a lot of material! And we know each person reads and learns at a different rate. But, in general, each mini lesson takes from five to 10 minutes. So, in an hour or two, you'll be creating you own presentations.
The first mini lesson explains how to save the file you'll be working on and exit PowerPoint, so you can proceed at your own pace.
An aside.... Losts of question you may have about how to proceed will be answered as soon as you start the Tutorial. Once you've been through the first mini lesson or so, you'll see how easy it is to follow along.
Muchas gracias a Arlito por tomarse la molestia de copiarlo y a ver si nos vemos en la proxima convocatoria!!!
UPDATE 11/Nov/08: Ya han salido los resultados del examen de Ingles y tras la criba inicial, ahora sólo quedan 22 opositores. Recordaros que la nota minima de corte para esta ultima prueba, segun la convocatoria es de 3.5 puntos y la máxima de 7.
Como nota curiosa, indicar que "nuestro alumno aventajado" del examen anterior ;-) ha sacado una de las mejores notas de este último examen!!!...
Ya se sabe, casualidades de la vida....
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